Oswego County ATV Club Past News
December 4, 2007
Happy holidays! The latest newsletter is posted in the news
section. The legislature contact information has been updated
November 6, 2007
Things are winding down for the year. People are getting ready for winter. Hunting
season is in full swing. Stay safe.
October 1, 2007
The trails are now closed for the season. We will not be accepting membership applications
until January for next year.
September 4, 2007
Mark your calendar! The Oswego County ATV Club Poker Run is coming up fast on September
15th. The run is held in association with the ALtmar Fire Department to help pay
for an ATV Rescue unit. Participation is HIGHLY encouraged.
July 31, 2007
The August newsletter is out. Don't forget about the club
camp out and Hospice Ride coming up!
June 27, 2007
Well the Tradeshow / Rodeo / Craft Fair was a great success! Many people attended
and everyone had a great time.
The July Newsletter is out. This month it will only be available
on the website.
May 23, 2007
The June Newsletter is out! Added
the Trade Show application.
May 12, 2007
We have added an additional trail duty for Tuesday mornings, 9 to 12. This time
slot is in addition to the normal Tuesday evening duties, so now you have no excuse
not to chip in! Contact Brad Hilton at 298-3261 for details each week.
May 1, 2007
The trails are officially open as of today! The
May Newsletter is out.
March 25, 2007
The April Newsletter is out! Added a page for the
Tradeshow Craft Fair & Rodeo.
January 14, 2007
New website design. Click the links, check it out, let me know if anything is broken.
October 28, 2006
Thunder Alley Motorsports has opened their new facility located on Rt 57 directly
across from Nissan North. Still only 500 yards from the old shop! They are one of
our sponsors and also sponsor the Granby Center Fire Department Bog & Grog to
be held in 2007. Check out these pictures of the new facility:

October 1, 2006
Trails are now closed for riding. There will be a work detail to get the trails
ready for winter. All are encouraged to attend. For details, see the newsletter.
September 3, 2006
The Annual Landowners Steak and Chicken Bake will take place on September 24th from
Noon to 3:00 PM and is Open to the public. There will be a ride to Benefit Hospice
at 3:30 with a donation of $5.00.
August 2, 2006
The August Newsletter is out!
The September meeting is changed to September 24th at 11 AM. There
are more details in the newsletter.
July 8, 2006
The next meeting will start at 10 AM on July 15th at the Altmar
Hotel. Following the meeting will be the Annual Pig Roast.
June 15, 2006
A benefit ride is being held for Brenda O'Neil, daughter of Jr. and Sye O'Neil,
the club trail coordinator and handler of clothing, hat, and map sales respectively.
The ride will take place on June 24th on the West Extension trails. We will meet
at noon at Old Man's Place convenience store on Rathburn Rd., Fulton. The location
is right off Rte. 3 going west. There is a big salt dome on opposite side of road.
The store is a few miles down road. Donations will be accepted.
A Steak Bake will be held at the American Legion in Parish on July 8th at Noon for
Brenda also. Donation is $15.
June 15, 2006
The Tradeshow, Craft Fair and ATV Rodeo was a huge success. Many thanks to all the
sponsors, workers and attendees.
May 4, 2006
The May newsletter is out. You should be getting yours soon if you don't have it
already. In addition to the great news is an excellent article by the Atkinsons
about their ATV vacation.
April 8, 2006
The April newsletter is out. Look for your copy in the mail. We have a big trail
truck presentation next weekend, starting at 11 AM. The Annual Meeting will follow
the presentation. We will have a guided ride after the meeting if there is enough
March 21, 2006
As you are all probably aware by now, the ATV registration fee has been raised this
year. Let's get together and write our legislators to tell them we want the government
to use that extra money to start an ATV trail system in New York. Here is a link to a page to help you format a letter to your legislator
to let them know our feelings. Check out our Affirmative Action
page if you need the address for your representative.
February 16, 2006
West Extension meeting on March 14th, 7 PM at the IOOB Club, Old Rte. 3, Fairdale.
We will be working on the events calendar and organizing a trail committee. We are
looking for a large attendance to start off the year right.
The events page has been updated with the latest club
event info.
December 27, 2005
The Spaghetti Dinner tentatively planned for the West Extension will be postponed
until spring. Watch this space for further details.
There will be a meeting March 18th at the Town House Restaurant and on April 15th
at the Altmar Hotel, both at 11 am.
November 11, 2005
The latest newsletter is out.
October 30, 2005
As you may be aware, the ATV Club is doing a raffle to help fund the new trail truck
we are buying. We are now selling tickets at $5. each for a raffle at the April
15, 2006 regular club meeting. The winner will be given $500.. one prize only. If
anyone would like to buy tickets please contact Don or Nancie Hildreth at 298-4267.
A special thanks to everyone who worked on the trails,
signs, meetings and anything else that has made this club what it is today!
Follow all NO ATV signs. If you are caught beyond one of
these signs you will be suspended immediately. Those areas are not open.
Safety first:Helmets, lights, brakes, responsible speeds
October 1, 2005
Trails have closed for the season. We have a meeting on October 15th
at 11 am at the Salmon River Inn. The Spaghetti Dinner is on October 5th,
at 5 pm until 7 pm.
I would like to thank Arlene Barnard for all her work with the newsletter. It has
become a great resource for information regarding the ATV Club.
September 20, 2005
Please note: The date for the Spaghetti Dinner at the Townhouse
Restaurant is October 5th, the newsletter was incorrect.
August 8, 2005
Lacona Fire Department ATV Rodeo & Family Fun Days
September 10, Rain date September 11
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged
Pick up forms at Widrick Implements
Entry fee is $25.00, but you get $5.00 back with a valid Club Membership card.
80% payout for 180 degree weight pull and a timed obstacle course.
Games for the kids, chicken BBQ, hamburgers, hot dogs, hot sausage and much much
Hayloft Pub ATV RODEO
Promoted by the Oswego County ATV Club
AUGUST 27, 2005
Gates open @ 9 AM
$15.00 Entry covers all 3 events
$3.00 Spectator (5 & under FREE)
Must register by 11am
FREE T-Shirt to the 1st25 pre-registered riders
Riders meeting @ 11:30
Racing starts @ 12 noon
Awards @ 5 PM
For more information---Call Hayloft Pub 599-7669 or Steve 298-3312
July 25, 2005
I was sent information for a couple of ATV rides scheduled by the Tug Hill Wheelers.
The first is on July 30th. Details here. The next is on August 20. Details here.
July 18, 2005
The next meeting will be held on August 20th at 11 am.
June 13, 2005
The next meeting will be held at the Redwood Motel in Pulaski in the "Chinook
Room" at 11 am on June 18th.
Senator Jim Wright has
issued his public opinion on the recently released "Draft Policy" from
the DEC.
June 1, 2005
The sponsors list has been updated. The
TRADE SHOW is coming soon. Stop by the Town House June
9th and 10th to help out with the setup.
May 17, 2005
Our new PR person has provided us with contact information
for our State Legislators, the Governor and several different news sources. When
you contact your legislator to talk about ATV related issues, you should handwrite
your letters because it will carry more weight than a computer generated "copy"
letter for everyone to sign. A phone call is also a great way to let the legislators
know what you are feeling about any ATV subject.
May 9, 2005
The meeting this month will be held at Charlie's Happy Valley Inn at 11:00 on May
14th. This is one week early due to the Benefit Ride on May 21st. The Benefit
Ride will help with costs associated with fighting the DEC to get state trails open
in the north country.
April 21, 2005
If anyone did not get the letter from
Senator Jim Wright concerning the recent ATV registration legislation, I
have obtained permission to reprint the letter here. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
April 14, 2005
Our Trails will not be open for a few more weeks except on week-ends only. This
is due to the fact some of our landowners are doing some work on their property
and do not want four-wheelers running through during the week. Please bear with
us a little longer. Steve Cronk, President.
April 14, 2005
The meeting on Saturday April 16th will be held at the Altmar Hotel.
March 17, 2005
Brad Hilton sent me a link to
the NYS DEC website which outlines a proposal to allow ATVs on certain roads
for the purpose of letting disabled people access the land for hunting and fishing.
Thanks, Brad.
March 10, 2005
The March newsletter is out. Read it online if you didn't
get yours yet.
A reminder: Memberships are due in April.
February 14, 2005
Jim Wright sent me a letter stating that the budget proposal for 2005-2006
is calling for an increase in All-Terrain Vehicle registration fees with no agreement
on a dedicated ATV trail fund, much like last year. Senator Wright went on to say
that he will oppose this fee increase given the lack of a dedicated ATV trail fund.
A quick note to your Assemblyman
Senator could help to establish an ATV trail system.
January 17, 2005
New site design.
December 15, 2004
Here is a link to an article about the funds given to the
snowmobile clubs recently.
October 4, 2004
There is a new Official Registration Form. Make sure you are using the new form
when registering for next year! You can find the form on the About
Us page.
Trails are closed for the season. The next meeting will be in March 2005. Look here
for news, information and upcoming events. Have a great winter.
September 3, 2004
September 25th @ 1 pm:
Oswego County ATV Club Steak and Chicken Bake for Members and Land Owners Only.
Land owners eat free!
Members can have steak for $11.00 and chicken for $6.00
The dinner will take place at the Altmar American Legion on Church Street. RSVP
before September 20th.
I hope to see you all there!
Mary Gaffey
Club Secretary
August 29, 2004
The Oswego County ATV Club race event at
Fulton Speedway scheduled for August 28th was postponed due to rain. No race
was held. The event is rescheduled for Saturday, September 4th
and your tickets will be good for this date.
August 7, 2004
The Pig Roast was a success. Many people attended and everyone
had a great time. Added a few more photos to the photo page.
July 6, 2004
Added some more photos to the photo page.
June 1, 2004
The photo page is up. I still need many more photos, so keep them
Queensbury, NY - May, 25, 2004
TrailPass, LLC, a private ATV trail network based in New York,
has secured a $2 million dollar general liability insurance policy to cover its
affiliated ATV clubs and landowners with coverage similar that of the New York State
snowmobile trail system.
The policy covers all TrailPass™ affiliate clubs throughout the
U.S., including those that host trails in the trail network and those that do not.
The cost for a club to become a TrailPass™ affiliate is based
on the club’s membership numbers. Basic affiliates pay $1,000 flat rate for their
first 50 members and $17.50 for each additional member. Clubs that host trails in
the TrailPass™ trail network receive funding directly from TrailPass, LLC to offset
the cost.
TrailPass, LLC opened its first private ATV trails in New York
in July of 2003 with approximately 100 miles of trail and has grown to better that
300 miles of trail in only 8 months with over 500 miles in the works. The network
is supported solely by its pass holders which purchase an annually renewable TrailPass™
for $50 directly from TrailPass, LLC on their website or through local ATV dealers
and other retailers across New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Clubs interested in becoming a TrailPass™ affiliate should contact
Lee Ann Harris – Vice President of TrailPass, LLC for complete details at 1-800-381-2260
May 19, 2004:
Here is the agenda for the club campout on Memorial Day Weekend:
- FRIDAY NIGHT: Settle in, get acquainted and play some cards
SATURDAY: Leave for ride at 10 am.
Everyone wishing to do so--bring a covered dish for a 6 pm feed and bon fire to
follow. - SUNDAY: Leave camp at 8:30 or 9 am for
breakfast at the Trestle Pool Cafe.
Ride leaves from camp at 11 am.
May 10, 2004:
Check out this article about the ATV Safety class given by the ATV Safety Institute.
I are looking for pictures from club events, group rides, or whatever to post on
a new pictures page. If you have anything you would like to see posted,
email it to me and I will put it up.
April, 2004
Board meeting night has been changed from Tuesday to Wednesday night at 6 pm.
We are now holding work details every Saturday at 2 pm and Tuesday at 6 pm. Meet
at Little Lukeys.
The chicken BBQ scheduled for May 1 has been cancelled.
March 11, 2004:
We are in need of trail workers
this spring. If you are interested, please call Steve Cronk at 298-3312, Mary Gaffey
at 298-5444 or Bill Wilk at 964-2916. We have big trail plans for
this year and we'll need all the help we can get.
For Details, Contact:
Steve Cronk
Oswego County ATV Club
Direct Phone: 315-298-3312
Vehicle and Trailer Dedication in Altmar, NY
Altmar April 2, 2004
The Oswego County ATV Club has made arrangements for Wheelaway
Motorsports, 570 South 4th Street, Fulton, New York 13069 to donate a 2004 Yamaha
Bruin 350 Automatic 4x4 ATV to the Altmar Fire Department in Altmar, NY. Also being
purchased is a new special rescue trailer designed for ATVs. Funds for the rescue
trailer made available through the Oswego County ATV Club and the Altmar Fire Department.
The Oswego Club will be donating their 1/2 of the trailer to the Fire department.
The rescue vehicle and trailer will be housed at the Altmar fire station and will
be used for all types of off road rescue through out the county.
Dedication of both units will be at the, Altmar Municipal building,
Bridge Street, Altmar, NY on April 17, 2004 at 11:00am.
Senator James W. Wright, Assemblyman Will Barclay and Assemblyman
Dave Townsend as well as the majority of the Oswego County Legislators who helped
to get this club off the ground will be in attendance. Local newspapers, representatives
from TrailPass and members from various ATV clubs across the State will also be
attending the dedication.
This rescue vehicle and trailer represent the combined efforts
of the Oswego County ATV Club and the community. This is a HUGE accomplishment for
the club as it is this first club unit of its kind in New York State.
Please make the time to attend the ceremony to show your support
for the ever-growing family sport of ATVing.
ATV Riders Deserve Money For Trail Development And Education Programs
by Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava
Beginning in the mid 1980s, New York state required ATVs, all-terrain
vehicles, to register with the state for a fee of $10. Half of this revenue was
to go towards trail development within the state; however a budget crisis in 1990
forced registration revenue to other spending needs. Since then, registration fees
have gone into the general fund and trail riders everywhere are left without a state
trail development program. It is time that ATV riders once again receive a share
of their registration fees. In response to this need, Gov. Pataki proposed $850,000
to be allocated for ATV trail development, education and enforcement in his executive
The governor is taking a step in the right direction in his effort
to make ATV use safer and friendlier to the environment. Trail development will
ensure that riders use designated trails deemed safe for ATV usage. Today, ATV owners
have very limited areas where they can safely and legally en-joy their sport. Additionally,
it is important that we contain ATVs to legal trails, and away from ecologically
sensitive environments. The state development of trails would accomplish this.
With ATV usage growing in popularity, and the state in the middle
of a fiscal crisis, it only makes sense to support this great source of revenue.
ATV riders spend money in New York in the form of gas, food, lodging, entertainment,
and tourism in general. I think that if trails were developed, even more revenue
would be collected through an increase in ATV riders that live in New York, and
from ATV riders traveling to the state to use the trails. New York is actually losing
money because not all ATVs are legally registered. A common argument heard from
ATV owners is that they do not receive any benefit from paying the fee. Although
there is no excuse for riding illegally, I feel that more people would register
their ATVs, thus generating more revenue, if they knew that a portion of the registration
fee was support-ing their sport and pastime.
Part of the registration money would also be used towards ATV
education programs. ATVs are not just ridden by adults anymore. In fact, the sport
has become a family activity. Educating riders, especially new and young riders,
on how to safely operate and ride an ATV will make the sport more fun for all. What
ATV riders really need is a dedicated trail fund supported by revenue collected
from the ATV registration fee. The governor's budget does not propose the creation
of a permanent ATV trail fund, but, I think the $850,000 for trail development,
education, and enforcement could be the beginning of a positive, long-lasting relationship
between ATV riders and Albany.
(Reprinted with permission from the Oswego County Weeklies and
Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava)
November, 2003
NYTRO of NNY will be taking part in a parade in Watertown on Sunday,
November 30. They are asking for our support. If you wish to ride your ATV in this
parade, they will be meeting on State street up towards Thompson Park onto Indiana
Street and unloading there. Then they will be parking the trailers on Washington
Street, behind Holiday Inn. They ask you be there by 12PM, noon, to get organized.
New roads open!
We recently lobbied to get some of the roads in the Happy Valley
Game Management Area open for ATV use. These roads are:
- Happy Valley Road
- White's
Hill Road
- Church Hill Road
- Garcia Road
The State truck trails are NOT OPEN! None of the trails that go
into the woods are open for ATV use either! ATVs must stay on the designated roads.
We need this road system to remain open so that we can connect a large trail expansion
that we are working on. We all need to ensure that we follow all the rules. Please
do not be the one person that ruins it for everyone. Too much work has been put
in to make these trails a reality.
October, 2003
We are going to get very strict with trail system violators. Those
who violate the rules will be subject to fines and suspension. We must strictly
enforce the rules, regardless of who violates them.
Please help keep our trail system open. Stay on Trails.
Don't blaze new trails and do not make wet holes bigger. Go through the holes and
if they become too deep the trail maintenance crew will fix them. Do not cut corners,
go into unmarked fields, or be destructive. Leave private property alone, such as
beaver dams, gates, cables, ribbons, POSTED signs, etc. Obey all trails signs or
be suspended.